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At New Creation  we encourage membership in the local church.   Church Membership is a commitment to love and invest in God’s people.  This commitment is essential for a Christian’s growth in relationship with Jesus.  Membership also allows others to invest in you and build relationships that are lacking in casual attendance.


Membership is making a statement that as a Christian, we are identifying with a local body of believers and are committing to the unity and work that God is doing in that church.  Joining a church demonstrates outwardly what has already happened inwardly in our lives. Because we become a part of the Body of Christ by receiving Him as Savior (John 1:12), we want to become an active member of His church, which expresses our desire to become and intergral part of the Body of Christ.


Scripture makes it clear that God’s plan for His church centers in the local church community.  Actually, the Bible seems to take for granted that we are part of a church community.  Many scriptures refer to the local church community (Timothy 5:3-16, Romans 16:1-16, Acts 6:1-6, 1 Corinthians 5:1-12,…). Church membership is for our safety, growth and connection with others who have had a similar experience with Christ so we may be a blessing to each other. If you want to learn more about church membership and membership at New Creation just ask any member of the church.


How do you join?  To complete membership, students and adults attend the adult membership class, complete and take a short quiz on the material in the:

New Creation - New Members Handbook













                                                        Click above to open or download


The doors of the Church are always open. Jesus Christ opened them more than 2,000 years ago. During any worship service or at anytime during the week, the invitation to Christian Discipleship is extended to all. Just see the pastor, a member of the clergy, a Steward, or contact the church office. 

A Member is a person who has been baptized and enters into the covenant of being received into fellowship of the church as provided by The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. A covenant is a solemn agreement or vow made by church members to defend and support the faith and doctrines of the church. Adults and youth seeking to join the church start in one of three membership groups:


Church Membership Types


Conversion Membership - confessing Christ as your personal Savior.


Full Membership - coming from another denomination to unite with this church.


Transfer Membership - transferring membership from another Methodist tradition.


Affiliate Membership - having membership in any Methodist tradition but desiring a local church affiliation under Watch Care, while maintaining membership in a home church.


Associate Membership - being a member of another denomination but desiring a local church affiliation.


Preparatory Members: Refers to children and youth who have been baptized and are under the care of the church until they have made the decision to join the church themselves. Once the decision is made at an age of understanding, a youth becomes a Probationary Member.


A Word about Baptism

Baptism is not only a sign of profession and a mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from others who are not baptized, but it is also a sign of regeneration and becoming a New Creation. The African Methodist Episcopal Church recognizes the water baptism of infants, children, and adults.


If you were baptized prior to joining New Creation, we believe the grace of God in the sacrament of water Baptism remains in effect.


Based on the above we will not approve the re-baptism of an infant, child, or adult. We continue to recognize the Sovereignty of God and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in the Holy sacrament of water Baptism of a person as being confirmed by Jesus Christ.


ThThe Right Rev. James L. Davis, Presiding Bishop

The Rev. Charles T. Sembley, Presiding Elder

The Rev. Dr. Anthony Young, Pastor

Worship Location is: 

In person Worship 1st Sundays @9:00 AM

 7475 Old Alexandria Ferry Rd, Clinton, MD 20735, USA

Virtual Adult Sunday School  - via Zoom (


Virtual Worship Sundays @ 11:00 am 

on FBLive, Youtube Live, Twitter

Children's Church @ 1:00 pm - via Zoom (send email for access)


Bible Study:


    Wednesday @ 7:00 pm  - via Zoom 


Office:  (301) 744-0386

Fax: (301)-744-0386

© 2014 New Creation AME Church


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